TWITTER @BadgerTourny
Home Team Responsibilities:
1. Keep score on Official Baseball Ontario Score Sheet
2. Ensure Convenor receives white copy of score sheet.
Visiting Team Responsibilities:
1. Official Pitch Count
2. Ensure that both teams agree on counts before leaving the park
- Pre-Game
a) Coin Flip for Home Team (For all Pool and Play-off Games)
b) No Batting Practice on Field- All hitting should be done outside the fence.
c) Batting Cages are only to be used by the 14u-18u teams.
d) Please refrain from hitting into the sides of any of the cages or fences
e) Please keep all ground ball practice outside the foul lines
- Game Lengths
a) No new inning after 1hr-50min
b) Official Game after 4-innings or 3-½ if the home team is ahead
c) No Extra Innings during pool play
- Mercy Rules
a) 18-runs after 3-innings
b) 15-runs after 4-innings
c) 10-runs after 5-innings
- Tie Breakers
a) Head to Head among tied teams
b) Fewest Runs against divided by Defensive Innings played among tied teams
c) Fewest Runs against divided by Defensive Innings played among all teams
d) Highest Runs For divided by Offensive Innings played among tied teams
e) Highest Runs For divided by Offensive Innings played among all teams
f) Coin Toss
- Arm Care Rules
- Schedule Format (Schedules Attached)
a) Each age division has a different number of teams participating which has forced us to create different tournament
format styles.
b) Regardless, each division will be guaranteed 3-games.
- Protests
a) A protest based on an umpire’s interpretation of the rules must be lodged with the umpire before the game resumes, and the opposing team must also be advised by the umpire before the game resumes.
b) The protest committee has the right to rule weather the protest will be heard
c) All protests must be ruled on at the time of their occurrence by the Protest Committee
d) If the protest is heard and denied , the team will be $50
8. Health and Safety
Emergency- 911 (Police, Fire, Ambulance)
Local Hospitals- (519) 685-8500
London Children's Hospital-800 Commissioners Rd. E. London, ON N6A5W9
University Hospital- 339 Windermere Rd, London, ON N6A 5A5