Jul 10, 2017 | mhaak | 1192 views
02 Badgers at U of M!
The boys had an exciting trip to the campus of the University of Michigan!
The trip to the tournament in Ann Arbor had a lot of highlights for the boys. On day 1 they beat the Michigan Storm 2-1. The Storm went on to win the tournament and the loss to the Badgers would be their only loss of the weekend!
Pepsi's Uncle Brian who is a coach for the U of M hockey team took us on a tour pf the athletic facilities including the locker rooms of both the hockey team and the baseball team. His speech to the boys was very inspiring!
The boys then played on the turf at the U of M baseball stadium which is an awesome venue. In the crowd watching the game was Mark Shapiro, President of the Toronto Blue Jays. Scott Maccabe asked him to come and speak to the boys after their game which he very graciously did. We think Coach Cam was the most excited about the meeting with Shapiro and we have the pictures to prove it :)
The tournament ended with a 9-0 win against the Legends who had beaten the Badgers the day before so it was a great way to end the weekend.
On to Cincinnati in a week for another weekend of high level baseball for the boys.
Rest up Badgers!